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Universal Time - Bernard Newsam's Papers

Bernard never saw this final edition of his work and so was not responsible for any errors in the transcriptions, nor for the choice of material included. We know that he had been happy at the time with the originals of some of his older writing (pre 1994), especially the few that he signed and dated. However, he may since have considered them to be superseded, badly expressed, or even wrong in places.

The one paper which avoids any such doubts is the last one below. The others are offered roughly in date order.

First Thoughts — First version of some of his ideas found among his papers, from about 1950.
Zeno's Paradox. — Some musings on Zeno's Paradox, probably his first written work in the subject area.
The Dimensionalitv of Time — This version was a brief synopsis written by Bernard in July 1988 and signed by him just before a trip to Australia.
Notes on the Dimensionality of Time — Note written by Bernard in August 1988 from Perth Australia and signed by him.
"Aide Memoire" — A summary of his ideas of 1993, circulated by him with an early draft of the introductory passages.
Universal Time — This is the document that Bernard circulated in March 1994. It includes his explanation of Einstein's correction factor, with diagrams.
Synopsis for book. — Little more than a list of chapter headings, circulated by him in Spring 1994
Universal Time - Last word. — This signed and dated statement was his "last word" written in November 1994. He died after a stroke a little more than a month after writing this.